Tap Tap Bang Bang by Emma Garcia

Tap Tap Bang Bang by Emma GarciaISBN: 9781907967665

Look at all the tools!! What can we do with them? We can make or fix things, that’s what!!

Tap Tap Bang Bang is another wonderful picture book from Emma Garcia that introduces new concepts to little children and offers lots of interaction. In this book, kids love learning about the function and different sounds of each tool, and they have a lot of fun imitating what the tools actually do. On the next-to-last pages they can recall the sounds and actions they learned about throughout the book, pointing to all the different tools. It concludes with the end-product of what the tools can do when we use them altogether!

Show how the saw cree-craws, the screwdriver twizzles and twists, and the paintbrush slaps and sloshes! All these action words make for a fun read-aloud, and that’s what we did in our Infant and Toddler Story Time today, learning about the letter T and some things that start with T. We even built a train!
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Then we did some paper-tearing traffic light crafts!

Artwork by Lawrence (5)
Artwork by Lawrence (5)

Artwork by Blaise (4)
Artwork by Blaise (4)

Artwork by Amaan (5)
Artwork by Amaan (5)

Artwork by Zaheer (5)
Artwork by Zaheer (5)

Artwork by Yusuf
Artwork by Yusuf

And the most beautiful gift from the most beautiful boy! (Thanks Amaan(5))!
Gift by Amaan


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