Solomon the Snail by Jacqui Shepherd

ISBN: 9781770087071

What a wonderful story, teaching young children about using time wisely, but more importantly that everyone differs and that we all should go through life at our own pace.

Solomon the snail is absolutely content with whom he is. He knows his limitations and has no problem with it at all. He feels “lucky” and “very special”, because he gets to have his house on his back where it is accessible at any time, whether it is to hide or take a nap. He is happy to have to carry it, and content with the speed he can move at. He admires the speed at which his friends can move, but has no problem that he isn’t like them. Solomon’s positive outlook on life, and his honesty are remarkable. It is no wonder he has so many friends!

One day, however, he agrees to Doris’ plan to get him to his patch of grass quicker. Doris clearly feels very proud of herself to have assisted Solomon, and that she had saved him some time, but it doesn’t work out so well for Solomon, and he decides to stick to who he really is. Doris has to learn what it means to make good use of one’s time, and that it doesn’t necessarily have to do with the speed things get done at.

This story might remind the reader that every single person on this earth is created with a purpose, and contain inside them the abilities and talents to fulfill that purpose. That’s why we are all different. And because of that, if we work together, so many more people would feel fulfilled. Each person’s purpose fulfills another’s need.

Solomon the Snail forms part of Jacqui Shepherd’s brilliantly written new contribution to children’s literature, Bug Stories. All these stories have life lessons weaved into them that speak to kids on their level, and which they will remember vividly. The beautiful, lively and delightful illustrations by Tanja Dunstan draw the reader right into the story and the surroundings of each little bug as they learn about life and how to be happy:

Webster the Worm learns that even though change can be scary, it can turn out to be a good thing. Life is what you make of it! Sam the Spider learns to focus, Gonzo the Grasshopper learns to stop and smell the roses, Cobus the Cockroach learns to get along with his brother and finds that working together instead of against one another makes for a happy family. Lala the Ladybug learns how a person’s thoughts affect your mood, which in turn affects your circumstances. Bongi the Beetle learns to tidy up, Fatima the Fly shows her friends that trying your best instead of trying to be THE best allows you to enjoy what you’re doing, Aggi the Ant learns about teamwork, and Mindi the Moth learns about the freedom forgiveness brings.

The stories also teach little ones nature facts – everyday things tiny creatures do that most people overlook.

A must-have for every child’s bookshelf!





Published by the Awareness Publishing Group, South Africa, they can be contacted for more information: 086 110 1491. Series ISBN: 9781770086999


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