Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins

ISBN: 9781407121130

What might you find if you, like Alice in Wonderland, fell down a rabbit hole? Some kids don’t understand the concept of a rabbit hole because they live in urban areas. Suzanne Collins brings this concept to life for them with the first in a five-part-series, called the Underland Chronicles.

In the first novel, Gregor the Overlander, Gregor, an 11-year old boy, and his two-year-old sister, one day, while doing the laundry accidentally fall through the grating in their laundry room, only to discover a complete established community living in a city far underneath New York City… a very strange place where the people live side-by-side with giant bats and cockroaches, and defend their lives against the malignant rats. This strange world is on the brink of war, and Gregor arrives at the right time to fulfil a prophecy that foretells the role he has to play in its uncertain future. Gregor wants no part of it, until he realizes it’s the only way to solve the mystery of his father’s disappearance. He embarks on a dangerous adventure to help rescue his dad and save the Underland.

If the thought of really big bugs, insects, bats and rats makes a chill run down your spine, this will be a wild stretch for you to read. Even though, the story is action-packed and very detailed from the beginning, sure to captivate even the attention of reluctant readers.

It is a story for those who love adventure and imagination, written and intended for a younger audience, but opening up the core meaning of The Hunger Games, written by the same author.

There are a lot of animal facts woven into the story, which makes knowing (or learning) them very practical, like “Rats’ teeth continue to grow our entire lives, which necessitates gnawing to keep them at a manageable length. If I didn’t gnaw frequently, my lower teeth would soon grow through the top of my skull and puncture my brain and alas, kill me.” (p241)

Included at the back of the book is a bit about the author, personal Q&A and how she relates to the characters in the story, directions to create your own Underland, some interesting facts about the Creepy Crawly Critters included in the story, and instructions how to create your own language. There is also an extract to the sequel, Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (which is referred to in the end of the story!)

In each book, Gregor must find the courage and moral fortitude to deal with a different aspect of war. There is also the underlying question whether war is always a “right vs wrong” situation that can be contemplated by readers of all ages.

You can find a Lesson Plan and Teaching Resources here, and The Underland Chronicles Discussion Guide here.

You can watch a summary of the storyline here:



Or listen to a reading of the first chapter in Gregor the Overlander:


Author Mini Bio

Suzanne Collins began her professional career writing for children’s television, but after she met children’s author and illustrator James Proimos, she gave it a try to write children’s books. She made her mark in children’s literature with the New York Times bestselling five-book series The Underland Chronicles, but continues to explore the effects of war and violence in her award-winning The Hunger Games Trilogy.



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