The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm

Written by Paul Bright
Illustrated by Jane Chapman

ISBN: 9781845067649

Who doesn’t know what it feels like to be afraid of a storm (or the dark!), when your imagination runs away with you and the simplest of sounds become a monster’s howling and wailing, or his tummy grumbling, and when shadows become his horns screeching on the wall…? This vibrant picture book is perfect for them kiddies who are afraid during thunderstorms, to help them see there’s nothing to be afraid of. But it also teaches how other people’s fears can run away with you.

While Bear and Mrs. Bear try to sleep on a stormy night, one by one the little ones wake them up and creep into their bed, because they’re afraid of the sounds and lights of the thunderstorm. Daddy Bear tries to convince them that there is no such thing as monsters, but as they go to sleep, his own mind starts playing games with him…

You can listen to a reading of The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm:

You can view more extracts from this book on Jane Chapman’s website here.

Download some activity sheets for this book from Little Tiger Press: The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm Activity Sheet or Colouring Sheet.

Read more about Paul Bright here!

Jane Chapman is a brilliant illustrator of children’s books. Read more about her here.

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