The Unlikely Adventures of Mabel Jones by Will Mabbitt

This book has a silly take as Mabel Jones is kidnapped by a group of pirates after she had done “the deed” that allowed them into her world. The captain of the pirates is a stereotypical villainous wolf, mean to everyone around him, but all the other characters have more loveable qualities.

Mabel Jones constantly saves the day because she can read, spell, and think creatively. She is very resourceful and plucky, and outthinks the fiercest, and with her perky character and forgiving spirit she connects with others and makes friends all along her journey.

It is because of her skills, that the pirates decided to take her with on their journey to find their treasure, which incidentally also turns out to be the only way Mabel Jones would be able to return home.

Will Mabbitt uses witty wordplay, fun puns, and rather unorthodox language that is not for the feint-hearted, for example, “…it was still cold enough to freeze the snot that dripped from her runny nose”, and “…you’re the foul thief that has been drifting silently through my castle like a fart from a sickly princess!”, the typical gross language that kids would find hysterical!

It is an easy and fun read, with fun typographic tricks (variations in word placement and font size) to keep young (and old!) readers engaged. Some words might be challenging to some readers, though – words like mêlée, ricochet, loris, eventualities, conjuring and such. But the story is well loaded with wacky illustrations, and it brings the story to life. The most serious element in the story is that Mabel Jones would really like to get back home, and The Unlikely adventures of Mabel Jones ends with a message for anyone who has lost someone dear. Other than that, any reader of this book will need a good sense of humor and fun!

The suggested age-group for this book is 8-12, but it would serve well as a read-aloud for the whole family. It will be a great addition to unit studies about Pirates too.

ISBN: 9780141355146

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