Yuck’s pet worm by Matt and Dave

ISBN: 9781416910954

Two more horrible adventures in the series of YUCK!

Yuck is a boy who plays practical jokes on his sister and manages to escape the consequences every time. In the first story in this particular book, Yuck has a new pet – a worm called Fang. Even though his parents say he’s not allowed to have a worm as a pet in the house, and his sister thinks worms are disgusting, Yuck thinks worms are brilliant and he gets up to mischief with his pet. In the second story, Yuck’s rotten joke, Yuck continues his practical jokes, but blames it on his sister and her friend. In this way Yuck collects the 10 stars he needs by the end of the week, and his sister ends up in BIG TROUBLE.

It is a light read, delightful and funny, and leaves a lot of topics open for discussion.

Aimed at readers aged 8-12.

A good addition for a Book Club

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