Weapon – a Research Project


Weapon – A visual history of arms and armor

“The epic 4000-year illustrated story of weaponry. Discover the innovative design, broad range, lethal function, and brutal history of arms, from stone axes to heavy machine guns and grenades, crossbows and arrows to samurai swords. Warriors – from Roman legionaries, Mongol horsemen, Aztecs and Plains Indians, through the French infantrymen of World War I and US Navy Seals – are portrayed with the weapons they developed and wielded.”

The Ancient World (3000BCE-1000CE)
The Middle Ages (1000-1500)
The Early Modern World (1500-1775)
The Revolutionary World (1775-1900)
The Modern World (1900-2006)

As part of my son’s Grade 6 curriculum, I wanted to encourage him doing “research” on his own. So I bought this book on the history of different types of weapons, which I knew he would definitely be interested in, together with a standard 96-page A5 hardcover exercise book. I pasted his instructions on the inside of the cover, which reads

What to include in my summary
1. A (big, colourful) Title –The name of the weapon
2. A (colourful) picture of the weapon
3. Date: (The date the weapon was used)
4. Origin:
5. Weight:
6. Length:
7. At least one more interesting fact

I let him find and select a weapon of his choice within the time period we’re reading about in The Story of the World Volume 3 we’re covering each week, and complete a page in his exercise book at a time. This is bound to make a great collection!

I also did a similar project with Inventions

Download the instructions here (also includes instructions for Inventions Research Project)

This forms part of our 6th Grade Curriculum. Download more resources here.

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