Watch Out! Big Bro’s coming! by Jez Alborough

ISBN: 9781406334456

This is an engaging slapstick sidesplitter with a setting in the jungle. Mouse cries for help and causes a chain reaction when he describes the oncoming force of Big Bro as “rough, and tough, and BIG…”

The book is filled with colourful animals of different sizes, and features an important lesson on jumping to conclusions and “spreading the word” with added detail (or misinterpreting what others say…). It also opens discussion about the fact that size is relative.

It is a great gift to someone who is becoming a big brother, or anyone who has a big brother, and it can instill the responsibility of a big brother, or the added benefits of having one.

View the book and listen to a reading here:

Or dig deeper and read about the creation of Watch Out! Big Bro’s coming! in 1997 here, or read more about the author Jez Alborough here.

The I Love Reading series of books makes learning to read fun with its wonderful pictures and stories! Other books in this series include Baby Bird by Joyce Dunbar, Little Rabbit Foo Foo by Arthur Robins, You’re a Hero Daley B! by John Blake, Go tell it to the Toucan by Colin West, I don’t like Gloria by Kaye Umansky, The Pig in the Pond by Martin Waddell, Penguin by Polly Dunbar, The Hairy TOe by Daniel Postgate, and Leon and Bob by Simon James.

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