Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts

Those Shoes by Maribeth BoeltsISBN: 9780763642846

Everybody knows what it feels like to desire something that you can’t necessarily afford.
In this Kindness Book Jeremy learns a valuable lesson when he goes with his Gran to hunt for a pair of THOSE SHOES everybody at school seems to be wearing – everybody except him, that is – and he’s determined also to have a pair, even if he has to squeeze his feet into a pair too small. Jeremy realizes that there are things he already has that are worth more than the things he wants.

The story is one kids can relate to, and it leaves room for discussion about how to be considerate and mindful about the financial position of others who may not be as fortunate. It also teaches that there are more important things than following the latest fad, and the story has a very powerful message that teaches children about selflessly giving to others.

Other topics that can be discussed after reading this book include peer pressure, teasing, embarrassment, disappointment, kindness and generosity, and how to distinguish between a NEED and a WANT.


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