The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss

THe Carrot Seed by Ruth KraussThis week Zorp discussed seeds and the process of planting with the Grade RR & R learners during Book Club Hour at Thorntree Preparatory School. He introduced The Carrot Seed by American author Ruth Krauss (ISBN: 9780064432108), first published in 1945, a timeless classic, one that has never gone out of print. It has very simple and short text (only 101 words altogether), and combined with simple, yet effective illustrations, it makes a brilliant read for young readers and explorers.

A little boy sets out to plant a carrot seed, but his mom and dad (being grown-ups, and having experienced the other side of life), as well as his big brother (sibling rival!) keep telling him that the carrot seed likely will not come up. But the boy, in his simple childlike faith, is very patient, and he faithfully waters the seed and pulls the weeds every day. Until one day, it came up, just like the boy knew it would!

The book is very simple, but makes for a lovely interactive story, demonstrating the process of planting a seed, and speaking of individuality, standing one’s ground, and waiting patiently. The learners were amazed by the size of the boy’s prize carrot at the end of the book!

The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss
Zorp speaking about planting seeds, and then telling the story, The Carrot Seed



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