The 52-Storey Treehouse

The 52-Storey TreehouseBy Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton

ISBN: 9781447287575

The fourth in the Treehouse series, this is another hilariously funny graphic novel by this author/illustrator team! This time, Andy and Terry discover that their publisher, Mr Big Nose, is missing! Luckily their Treehouse expanded with another 13 storeys, and now includes a watermelon-smashing room, a make-your-own-pizza parlour, a remembering booth, a Ninja Snail Training Academy, and a High-Tech Detective Agency!

Using their detective-skills, they set off to find Mr Big Nose, but instead they find their friend, Jill, asleep, and no matter what they try, they can’t get her to wake up… another mystery to solve while solving the “case of the missing Mr Big Nose”. The journey takes an unexpected turn when they try to find a handsome prince to kiss Jill to wake her up, and they all end up in a big pot of soup – together with Mr Big Nose!

Why are the vegetables so angry and vengeful? And will they escape these vicious victuals?

Some people will think the thought behind the 52-Storey Treehouse is “out there”, but with a little bit of childlike imagination this wacky treehouse adventure will appeal to readers of all ages. It is part of a delightful series for reluctant readers, and contains a little bit of a twist in the tale with their own version of Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

The 52-Storey Treehouse won the ABIA Book of the Year Award.

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