Steve Smallman Mini Bio

Steve Smallman is a British illustrator and writer of children’s books. Steve is the author of Smelly Peter the Great Pea Eater (Winner of the Sheffield Children’s Book Award 2009), The Lamb Who Came for Dinner (Shortlisted for the Red House Children’s Book Award and read by Meatloaf on CITV’s Bookaboo), and others such as Gruff the Grump, There’s no such thing as monsters! and Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Bunny?

Steve started working as an illustrator when he was in his final year at Art College. He has illustrated hundreds of books ever since, including Longman’s ‘Story Street’ reading scheme, illustrating 79 titles and writing 5.

He has worked in children’s television, specifically in character development (most notably in the ‘Raggy Doll’ series in the mid to late 1980’s), and he’s also illustrated licensed work such as Postman Pat, Bill and Ben and Sesame Street.

Steve also paints murals, which you can view on his website


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