In the Activity Guide to Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard, I added an activity to find out about phobias, because the chauffeur said, “I hope that dog don’t get hydrophobia and bite Fraley” (p46).
So I made a Notebooking Page about phobias that kids can complete.
The first page is just a list in table form, if that’s how you’d like to use it, but on page 2 and 3 I added flapbooks.
Instructions for the use of these flapbooks:
- Print out the templates you’ll be using
- Cut on the solid outside lines
- Fold the flaps-side in, halving the flapbook so that the flaps are on top
- Cut through on the dotted lines to separate the flaps
- Cut out the label Phobias
- Paste the label on the part protruding above the flapbook
- Let the child write down the names of 10 things people can fear, on the front of the flaps
- Write the phobia on the inside of the flap