Paul Bright

Paul Bright is a British author, who writes poems and picture books, and sometimes longer stories as well. He has written for school reading programmes, radio and BBC websites. Some of his stories have been broadcast on CBeebies TV and CITV’s Bookaboo.

Paul previously travelled abroad and worked in Switzerland, The Netherlands and Spain as well as the UK, and tried to write every moment he could, on trains or plains or in hotel rooms while he travelled.

He originally started writing stories for his own children when they were young, but he kept on writing even after they left home!

Some picture books by Paul Bright include The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm (2008), Charlie’s Superhero Underpants (2009), The Not-So Scary Snorklum (2011), Sam’s Super Stinky Socks (2014), There’s a Bison Bouncing on the Bed (2016), and his latest The Best Bear in All the World written to celebrate 90 years since the publication of Winnie-the-Pooh.

Here are some poems by Paul Bright:

Draw Me an Alien

Draw me an alien,
One you’d like to meet,
Or one to send you yelling,
Shrieking, howling down the street.

Draw me an alien,
A blob, a beast, a thing,
With talons, toes, or tentacles,
To grasp or clasp or cling.

Draw me an alien
From light-years far away,
From Earth, or Mars, or Venus,
Then slither off and play.

How Cold is Cold?

I hate the cold, I love the heat,
Like baking sand beneath my feet,
Want blazing sun upon my face
In some far-off exotic place.

But when there’s sleet or snow or ice,
When winter weather’s just not nice,
You’ll never hear me moan or curse,
I know it could be much, much worse.

Think of the very coldest place,
The deepest, darkest, realms of space.
No warming sun, no shining bright,
Just distant pin-point pricks of light.

Now, there it’s cold – without a doubt,
And scientists have worked it out,
How cold that coldest cold can be,
(In Centigrade, or degrees C)

It’s minus two hundred and seventy three.

So, freezing days of ice and snow
Are like an oven’s roasting glow,
Compared to space’s furthest reach.
But still, give me a Spanish beach.

Read more of Paul’s poetry here and view a list of books he authored here!


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