Nature Photo of the Week Challenge

photo_challenge_mosaic-tnI actually got the idea from the ever-so-inspiring Nadene’s Practical Pages website (Thanks Nadine!). She used Barb of Handbook of Nature Study’s list to create a quick-glance-chart of themes for a photography challenge for a year (52 weeks). I thought it was an excellent idea, and simply had to create my own. And together with it, I also created some Notebooking Pages (which you can download at the bottom of this post!).

Just a word of explanation:

In the file Nature Photography Notebook Templates there are several templates you can choose from. The first page is a reminder as to how to use the individual Notebooking pages. Pages 2 and 3 are the same, except page 3 has lined space for your child to write on. Pages 4 and 5 are the same, except page 5 has lined space for your child to write on. Pages 2 and 3 has a smaller space to include the photo your child took. I am not going to have our photos printed as such, but rather on a colour laser printer, which works out cheaper and less bulky when pasted.

These templates also have a space for This week’s challenge. This is a space where you could cut and paste the theme you selected for the week from the Quick Glance Chart. I think this will help put the photograph in context in future reference. Print the template you choose on the go, or as many as you think you’d use for the year.

If you would prefer NOT to cut & paste This week’s challenge, you could use the individual pages Notebook I created with the challenge already printed on the page.

Alternatively, you can also print out some pages without the frames (where the photos should be pasted).

Enjoy! I hope it inspires you to schedule some nature study!

Nature Photo of the Week Challenge
Nature Photo of the Week Challenge Notebook
Nature Photography Notebook Templates
Nature Photography Notebook Templates – without frames
Separate pages for themes
Separate pages for themes – Lined
Separate pages for themes – without frame
Separate pages for themes – without frame – Lined
Nature Photo Challenge Book Cover A4

Maybe you could use one of the covers I’ve created to bind the pages in a book. Just click on the image to open the JPG file, and click Save Image to save it to your computer. It prints out high quality A4 cover page:

[lg_folder folder=”Nature Study” cols=”5″]

This forms part of our 6th Grade Curriculum. Download more resources here.

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