Mental Math – Multiplication Tables Booklet

mental-math-tnSince Buck is simply brilliant in grasping new concepts, I didn’t see the need for a commercial mental math book that covers all the material for Grade 6. Instead I wanted to focus on those multiplication tables he is a little lazy to memorize. So I created 2 booklets, the first covering only multiplication tables, and the second covering multiplication tables, division tables and some other multiplication concepts such as multiples, decimals and patterns.

I’m all too happy to share them with you:


  1. Print out the Mental Math PDF file.
  2. Collate the printed pages so that the first page printed on will be the first page you’re going to print on again, only on the reverse side.
  3. Print out the Mental Math Reverse Side PDF file.
  4. Again, collate the pages so that the first page printed will be the first page in the booklet (you can check it against the PDF file).
  5. Fold all pages in half, keeping the sequence of the pages.
  6. Print out the cover on cardstock, fold in half and fill with the printed pages.
  7. Staple together in the middle.

Download these files here:

Follow the same procedure to print out the second book:


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