Listen Buddy by Helen Lester

Listen Buddy by Helen LesterISBN: 9780395854020

Buddy has nice big ears he can show off, but what does it help he doesn’t use them? Ears are for listening, but Buddy doesn’t, and he gets the facts mixed up every time… He comes home from the vegetable stand with a basket of wash instead of a basket of squash; he buys fifty potatoes instead of fifteen tomatoes; and he hands his father a hen instead of a pen. Until he ends up in a really unfavourable situation with the Scruffy Varmint: He took the wrong turn and ends up in the Scruffy Varmint’s cave, who gets so upset with Buddy for not listening to his instructions that he decides to make the soup himself… “bunnyrabbit soup… with the Bunnyrabbit who never listens!”…

Listen Buddy is a cute picture book to use to open discussion about listening and paying attention, without it sounding preachy.

Since June is Youth Month in South Africa, we read this book in our Book Club Hour at Thorntree Prep today just for fun, to celebrate being young! But it never does any harm if a story teaches a lesson in the meanwhile (and all good stories do!) – in this case it also teaches another way of staying safe – listening, paying attention, and heeding instructions.

It is a fun read for kids who might need a little help in learning how to listen or follow directions.



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