Kids Book Club Meeting October 2016

We had yet another lovely Kids Book Club meeting today! We read two stories, Who flung dung? by Ben Redlich and Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very bad Day by Judith Viorst with whom the kids could relate, having themselves had days in which simply everything seems to go wrong.

Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed, and it feels like the end of the world, especially when nobody else seems to care or empathize because they see these things as petty annoyances. Judith Viorst captures those feelings very well in this book. Alexander considers running away, but learns in the end that people have bad days no matter where they are.

The kids unanimously gave Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very bad Day a “5 out of 5” and a “10 out of 10” rating! They simply loved it!

Age range is 6-9 years, but it makes a lovely read-aloud for smaller kids and a great discussion point for bigger ones.

ISBN: 9781471122873

Again, if you weren’t there, you missed out on the presentation, and have to settle for second best!

You can view a video clip here:

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