Kids Book Club Informational Leaflet 2018

This article only applies to our Book Club members, but those of you who’d like to read more about how we function are welcome to read this.

Welcome to our Kids’ Book Club!

We look forward to another year of wonderful books, shared stories and friendships!

Please read through the entire article to familiarize yourself with the way we operate, and for some valuable tips you can apply in reading with your children.

Sometimes the right book is all it takes to nurture a child’s love of reading, and we hope to provide that opportunity to each of our Book Club Members.

Please take note of the following information with regard to our meetings for 2018:

Kids’ Book Club Meeting Dates for 2018:

3 February
3 March
14 April
26 May
(No meeting in June)
21 July
25 August
15 September
13 October
10 November
(No meeting in December)
(No meeting in January 2019)

** The venue will be confirmed for each meeting

** Meetings are on Saturdays from 10:00-12:00

** Book Club Fees are R100 per month that we meet
(no fees are due for the months we don’t meet)

Did You Know?

  • Our Kids’ Book Club was established in October 2015, and with the continued support of our members, we’ve been able to obtain a great number of good literature to expose our children to.
  • Our Kids Book Club is limited to 25 families to keep it small and manageable.
  • We currently have 19 families as active members of our Book Club, with 45 kids in total!
  • New members may be introduced by existing members of our Book Club with prior arrangement with Admin.
  • There are only approx. 9 official meetings for our Members during the course of the year.
  • In our meetings the kids are introduced to new and exciting literature, and have a chance to interact with other kids who share the same interest: books and reading. It is also a time for our Members to get to know one another.
  • Some interesting information about the books in our Book Club and their authors is posted on our Facebook Page every week.
  • You are welcome to contact us with any suggestions and/or requests regarding specific books and/or themes that your children are currently interested in.


  • To secure membership you are required to pay fees of R100 per month that we meet. Remember, fees are not due for the months that we don’t meet. However, fees are still due should you not be able to attend a meeting or if you are a non-meeting member (i.e. make use of the Book Club but do not attend the meetings). In these cases, please make an arrangement to pick up/exchange books with Admin. Note – this arrangement is on condition that membership fees are up to date.
  • Membership fees are utilized for purchase of books of the highest quality to keep our library growing.
  • Members can renew books once, and then are kindly requested to return them.
  • If a book is lost or damaged, the member will be invoiced the replacement value.
  • Resignations – Should you no longer wish to participate in the Book Club, please message Admin privately.

Interactive Activities

Reading Log

Attached to this leaflet is a “Books I’ve Read” log form that you could use to let your child record the books he/she finishes. They can also rate the book to say whether they liked it or not. This reading log could be shared at our year-end function.

If your child is unwilling or too young, you may choose to complete it for him/her. The log form is not compulsory, it is meant to be used in a fun way to help your children create a record of their reading accomplishments. If you have more than one child, please collect more reading log forms from Admin.


There are bookmarks available for all our kids. If your child hasn’t received a Kids’ Book Club bookmark yet this year, please collect one from Admin.

If anything is unclear, please don’t hesitate to contact us! (All members have our contact details!)

You can download this informational leaflet in PDF format here.

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