Jaco Jacobs on tour! 16 July 2019

Jaco JacobsAs an extension of our Literacy Day celebration in March this year, we had the privilege to meet Jaco Jacobs – one of South Africa’s most popular children’s authors – in person today when he visited our Kids Book Club and Thorntree Preparatory School on his book tour in the Limpopo Province.

Everybody who loves funny, interesting and engaging reading material will agree that Jaco is as funny, interesting and engaging as his books! From the get-go he had the kids’ (and adults’!) attention, and the excitement built up all throughout his lively presentation, which ended with a (hilarious) recital of his very own Rap poem about “Juffrou Bekker”!

Jaco’s aim is to write for kids who don’t understand the essence of writing, reading and poetry – reluctant readers who find reading to be hard work and quite a bore. Every single book of his hits this target dead-centre. And even though he mainly writes in Afrikaans, he also writes beginner books that are great (and fun) for introducing Afrikaans as second (or third) language. Many of his books have been translated into other languages as well.

A great thanks to everyone who took the time to stop by and support this initiative to expose our children to South Africa’s top talent, which we hope will plant a seed and encourage them to do something great in their own lives too!


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