Inventions and Discoveries Research Project

inventionsAs part of my son’s Grade 6 curriculum, I included some research projects. One is about Weapons, and the other about Inventions/Discoveries.

In a standard A5 hardcover exercise book, he has to follow my instructions to put together the information he found. The instructions for inventions/discoveries read a little different than that of Weapons, i.e.:

What to include in my summary
1. A (big, colourful) Title
2. A (colourful) picture
3. A couple of sentences about what I’ve learned, either in bullet−points or paragraph form
4. My Sources

But, I decided to let him learn some computer skills while learning about inventions, so I let him create a “poster” for an invention he selected for the time period we’re reading about in The Story of the World Volume 3.

He has to include

  • A (big, colourful) Title –The name of the invention or discovery
  • A (colourful) picture of the invention (he can find pictures on the internet)
  • Invented or discovered by:
  • Date invented or discovered:



“From the ability to make fire to the latest developments in genetic engineering, uncover the real stories behind 1000 remarkable inventions and discoveries that have shaped our world.

Whizz through the years to view incredible achievements in the order of their discovery, with special features on Eureka moments.

A timeline running through the book highlights historic events that formed the backdrop to each stroke of genius.

Created with assistance from the Science Museum.”


Download the instructions here (also includes instructions for Weapons Research Project)

This forms part of our 6th Grade Curriculum. Download more resources here.

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