Half a man by Michael Morpurgo

HalfamanIn this story Michael writes about his childhood and his war-scarred grandpa and how difficult it always was when he came to visit not to stare at his scars. People sometimes don’t realize that in the process of preventing staring, they “don’t look at all”, and causes the wounded person to feel rejection. Michael brings this point across very well in this story as he describes how he was always warned to not stare or make too much noise, or ask his grandpa about his past; how his family never spoke of what really happened to his grandpa, and neither why his grandma was gone, all of which his grandpa explained to him when he grew a little older because he felt accepted and not like a monster by Michael.

Beautifully illustrated be Gemma O’Callaghan, this story is a heart-warming one about accepting people for who they are and not for how they look, and how that can bring healing to scars that can separate families.

ISBN: 9781406360769

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