Hairy Maclary five Linley Dodd Stories

ISBN: 9780670913862

This hardback book is a collection of five stories featuring Hairy Maclary and his friends. The stories are written in engaging rhyme and rhythm, and are easy for small children to “read along” as they can easily memorise the text.

Hairy Maclary is a little hairy dog, and the text perfectly describes what could easily be the daily adventures of a dog and his furry friends, sometimes getting up to mischief!

This particular book includes the following five stories:

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy
The first in the Hairy Maclary series, introduces the little dog and his friends as they go for a walk, curiously examining every smell when suddenly they encounter Scarface Claw, the “toughest Tom in town”, who sends them howling back home!

Hairy Maclary’s Bone
Hary Maclary is given a big juicy bone, but as the case is with dogs, his friends want to share. Hairy Maclary cleverly outwits all of them and has the bone all to himself.

Hairy Maclary Scattercat
Hairy Maclary is an active doggy and was looking for something to chase, so he chased and bustled and hustled all the neighbourhood cats, until he met with Scarface Claw who returned the favour!

Hairy Maclary’s Caterwaul Caper
A little poetic justice for Scarface Claw has the whole neighbourhood’s dogs in an uproar. What could be causing the caterwauling cacophony that brings Hairy Maclary and his friends running?

Hairy Maclary’s Rumpus at the Vet
Quite innocently, Hairy Maclary causes a commotion while waiting to see the vet.

The Hairy Maclary series is an international classic and foreign language editions have been published in Sweden, Japan, Slovenia, Russia, Korea and China. In July 2013 Hairy Maclary celebrated his 30th birthday.

View an extract from the book:

Explore Hairy Maclary and other characters here and read more about the author, Lynley Dodd, here.


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