Follow the Swallow by Julia Donaldson

ISBN: 9781405282000

Follow the Swallow is one of our Blue Banana levelled reader books (Simple Stories for Developing Readers). It is a lively tale much to the likes of the children’s game “telephone” where the kids pass on a message whispered in their ear by a friend. The end message is very likely to be distorted!

Apollo the swallow learns and practices to fly in order to migrate to Africa, but his friend Chack doesn’t believe that will really happen. Neither does Apollo believe that the tree Chack’s nest is built in will ever bear berries. But one day it does happen that Apollo leaves with the other swallows, and Chack sends him a message about his tree. When Apollo returns he looks totally different than how his friend remembers him. But he never receives the original message Chack sent him and misses out on what Chack wanted to show him in the first place!

A good story to accentuate the importance of communicating and delivering a message clearly (and timely)!

So many discussion topics pop up from this tale!

Written by popular childrens’ author Julia Donaldson, this story is aimed at ages 5+, reader level 8-11yrs. It is a Reading Ladder Level 2 / Blue Banana Book.

You can listen to a reading and view the book here:


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