Element of the Week

periodic-table-book-cover-tnAn introduction to The Periodic Table in bits and pieces!

I created some worksheets onto which my son can record his research about a specific element every week. This will also teach him how Bohr diagrams and Lewis Structures work. We will watch the video clips linked to on http://ed.ted.com/periodic-videos.

Here are his instructions (included in the file you can download underneath):

  1. Fill in the atomic number, atomic mass and the name of the element.
  2. Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom of the element
  3. Identify if the element is a solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature (colour the circle)
  4. Give the Melting Point and Boiling Point in degrees Celsius
  5. Write how many valence electrons the element has
  6. List some physical or chemical properties for the element
  7. List some uses for the element
  8. Draw a Bohr diagram to show the arrangement of electrons
  9. Draw a Lewis Structure to show the number of valence electrons
  10. Use the following colors to shade in the square for each element:
    • Hydrogen = Dark Green
    • Poor Metals = Light Green
    • Very Reactive Metals = Red
    • Metalloids = Raspberry
    • Quite Reactive Metals = Light Blue
    • Non-metals = Yellow
    • Transition Metals = Purple
    • Noble Gases = Orange
  11. On the Periodic table Outline
    • Write the symbol for the element in the correct block
    • Fill in the atomic number, atomic mass and the name of the element
    • Colour the element’s block using the same colour as in #10
  12. Go to http://www.ptable.com/ for research (or you can visit http://education.jlab.org/itselemental/index.html)

We’re using the Usborne Science Encyclopedia for an introduction to the Periodic Table (pages 28-29), and as introduction to Bohr diagrams and Lewis Structures, we watched this video clip on Youtube:


You can download my Notebooking Pages here:
Element of the week
The Periodic Table Outlines
The Periodic Table Book Cover A4

This forms part of our 6th Grade Curriculum. Download more resources here.

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