Die Seekoei wat gelukkig was by Rachel Elliot

ISBN: 9780799358780

Little Hippo is bored. And as it is with kids when they’re bored, Little Hippo can’t find “anything to do”. Her mother asks her to run an errand for her, and her boring day becomes filled with friends, old and new, and activities that make it a wonderful day for Little Hippo.

A simple story that discusses what kids can do to keep themselves happy, and what to do when they feel bored.

The book has discussion questions in the end that guide caretakers in discussion with kids about feeling happy. Short and sweet, and beautifully illustrated.

This is the Afrikaans translation of the original written by Rachel Elliot, The Hippo who was happy; and one in the When I was… series.

A wonderful addition to the Afrikaans section of our Kids Book Club!

Other stories in this series include:
* Die Tier wat kwaad was
* Die Olifant wat bang was
* Die Sebra wat hartseer was
* Die Leeu wat skaam was


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