Daily Learning

I got the idea from I don’t know where on the World Wide Web, to do Daily Learning activities. But my son was already past learning how to shape his letters, or to count, or to learn the days of the week, or the time. Even though, I still thought it was a very good idea, so I added some custom daily learning activities for him that included the following:

  • A Days of School chart where he pastes a cheerful sticker on each day of school we start (sort of to keep track of how many days of school we’ve had).
  • A Birthday Calendar, on which I let him write down the numbers of the days in the appropriate Month’s column, and whose birthday it is, so that we could check it every day and remember those special people in our lives.
  • A Temperature Graph with a legend, on which I let him record the temperature every day at more or less the same time so that we can compare them. The first thing he does when we hit a new month is to select a new colour for the month, and he draws a stripe under the Month’s name in the legend. He then uses that same colour to make a dot on the correct date and temperature intersection, and joins it to the previous day’s dot (creating a line graph). It is interesting to see how temperature changes as months pass.
  • A clean Weather Calendar on which he/she can draw the temperature symbols.
  • An Annual Record of Daily Rainfall Chart on which he/she can record the rainfall in millimeters every day, and add it all up to see which month’s rainfall was most.
  • A This Day In History Calendar. We watched the 1-minute video clip on the This day in history website and wrote down the events in history that appealed to us most. I let Buck listen carefully to tell me what the year was the event took place. (Another website we used when This Day in history website didn’t work: Today in History)
  • A Reading Log page on which the child can record the books he/she read. I included some printable bookmarks in the Reading Log file on which your child can record the pages he/she reads at a time.

You can download and print all the abovementioned files here:
Days of School Chart
Birthday Calendar
Temperature Graph Page
Weather Calendar
Annual Record of Daily Rainfall Chart
This Day in History Calendar
I removed the numbers for the days so that the child can write it in the blocks himself, starting on the correct day of the week.
Reading Log Page & Bookmarks

Other pages you can add:

Clean Calendar Pages – let your child write the date in the correct day of the week’s block, and colour the star with the same number. You can also use this as a birthday calendar – just let your child write the birthdays in the appropriate block after numbering them.

Days of School Tally Chart – teach your child how tallying works using this chart. At the end of a month, let him count all the days you’ve had school and write the number in the circle.

Write the Date Chart – teach your child to write the date.

Download these pages here:
Clean Calendar Pages
Days of School Tally Chart
Write the Date Chart

Alternative Use

An alternative is to use a calendar notebook for foreign language learning. Simply create your own calendar, all in the language you’re teaching your child (I know, this takes effort, but I did this for 3rd Grade Spanish, and it really works!)

Bind all your pages in a neat Notebook your child can easily access and use every day!


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