Book Club Meeting 29 July 2017

As always, what an energizing experience we had at our Kids Book Club meeting this month! It is always great to meet with others who share the same interest – in this case books and kiddies! It is heart warming to see the smallest kids browsing through our library, selecting the books they’d like to take home (and some just there and then get lost in a story out of curiosity!).

Today, after our get-to-know-everyone song and introduction to new members, Leigh, our hostess, read from My Best Book of Enid Blyton Stories a story called Susie and her shadow. “What use is a shadow anyway?”, a naughty pixie who wants Susie’s shadow to make a magic cloak asks. As it turns out her shadow is very important for Susie to feel fully herself…

The psychologist Carl Jung famously spoke of the shadow and its importance. To find out more, watch the following video clip:

Of interest is the positive aspect of the shadow. In the story Susie skipped off with a pixie shadow. Food for thought: what might be the shape of your positive shadow?

After an engaging reading of the story, the kids were invited to do some shadow drawings, where, working in pairs, one stands still while another traces the outline of his or her shadow with chalk on the paving. The kids were rather intrigued by their final results!

Susie and her shadow was originally included in a book called Enid Blyton’s Lucky Story Book, compiled in 1947, but the story itself was published in April 1940, in issue 170 of Enid Blyton’s Sunny Stories Magazine.

My Best Book of Enid Blyton Stories is a collector’s book and contains a collection of stories, listed as follows:

  • The Lost Hum
  • The Flying Kite
  • Bubbly’s Trick
  • The Blown-Away Rabbit
  • Blackberry Tart
  • Sally Simple’s Matches
  • Snubby’s Tail
  • Susie and Her Shadow
  • Ha,Ha, Jack-in-the-Box
  • The Squirrel and the Pixie
  • The Astonishing Brush

There are a variety of Enid Blyton books available to our Book Club members, of which the Amelia Jane collection is the latest addition!

You can read more about Enid Blyton here.

Our next book club meeting is scheduled for 26 August 2017. Until we meet again, HAPPY READING!

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