Book Club Meeting 21 October 2017

So, our Kids’ Book Club is officially 2 years old! And today we had our last meeting for the year!

As we near the end of year, Leigh, our hostess, left the kids with a message about sharing and acting with integrity, and what really counts in life.

She read two books to the kids, the first of which was Llama Llama Time To Share by Anna Dewdney (ISBN: 9780670012336), and the second story, aimed at the older kids, was The Brave Young Knight by Karen Kingsbury (ISBN: 9780310716457).

Llama Llama Time To Share is fun to read aloud, and teaches little ones about sharing. Sometimes it is hard to share, especially toys or possessions that have a special value to a person (young and old alike), but sharing brings people together. The story is written in rhyme, and really engaging, and beautifully illustrates the concept of sharing.


You can view a reading of the book here:

Visit the llama llama website to view more books in the range here!

The Brave Young Knight tells the story of a boy in competition with other young knights to become prince of all the land. In a series of contests and competitions, the king recognizes the brave young knight as the winner, not because he was the fastest or strongest, and not because he was smarter or more cunning than the other knights. Rather, the brave young knight is the winner because he doesn’t follow the crowd, instead making decisions based on integrity. The moral of the story is that the bravest young boys are those who exhibit the strongest character. (Google Books)


Listen to Karen Kingsbury on the book:


View a reading here:

Keep those characters up!

Until Next Time!

Happy Reading!


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