Book Club Meeting 11 March 2017

At our second Book Club meeting for the year, held on 11 March, we had the privilege to meet a local author, Jacqui Shepherd. Jacqui read from one of her books called “The Monkey who wanted to be different”, and the kids were really engaged! In this story, Matthew the monkey thought being a monkey was really boring, so he tried to be like the other animals he came across, just to realize that he had certain qualities that made him a monkey, and being a monkey wasn’t that bad after all. It is a story for young children that shows the importance of liking yourself and being proud of who you are.

These Animal Adventures are available in English as well as Afrikaans, sold as a set of 10 books of 32pp each. All the stories have lovely life lessons and are beautifully illustrated by Dana Espag and Tanja Dunstan.

Other stories include:
Eddie gets a fright!
The rabbit and the fox
Jojo’s journey
Wally gets a tummy ache
The proud old owl
The little grey horse who loved to run
Pinky breaks the rules
Ruby Right
The unkind buffalo






Published by the Awareness Publishing Group, South Africa, they can be contacted for more information: 086 110 1491. Series ISBN: 9781770086876


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