A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson

ISBN: 9780330532495

A Squash and a Squeeze is a cheerful story about an old woman who finds her house too small, and the wise old man helps her to resolve the issue. It contains an important lesson in appreciating what you have.

The wonderfully flowing rhyme and colourful artwork make it a joy to read out loud, especially if you put on silly voices for the characters!

A Squash and a Squeeze was Julia’s first book, published in 1993, but it started its life earlier still, as a song which she wrote for children’s television. You could view an adaptation of the song below:


Or a Rap version:


Or you could listen to a reading of A Squash and a Squeeze (read by Mr Walton)

Read a mini-bio of Julia Donaldson here – find out who she is!
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