Book Club Meeting 9 March 2019

Book Club Meeting March 2019
Already our second Book Club meeting for the year!! How time flies! What a wonderful gathering, even though we were only a handful of people!

Today we read two stories for the smaller kids, but the bigger kids seemed to have enjoyed it too!

Tip Tip Dig Dig by Emma GarciaThe first book we read was Tip Tip Dig Dig by British children’s author Emma Garcia (ISBN: 9781906250829). The kids had fun acting out the movement bits of the book and there were a lot of giggles! It is a wonderful introduction to construction vehicles, what they each do, and what can be done when they all work together – transforming the mess from page one to a beautiful playground! It uses a lot of colour that you can introduce and discuss with your child, and it is also a brilliant introduction to tenses of words (starts with, “With the digger we can dig dig dig”, then later on it says, “So the digger digs a hole”, then at the end it says, “We dug”). It helps children use the correct words (for example saying “dug” instead of “digged”).

Some resources for personal use with your child can be downloaded from

View a reading here!


Itchy Bear by Neil GriffithsThe second book we read was Itchy Bear by British novelist Neil Griffiths (ISBN: 9781908702258). Bear lay down to sleep, and would’ve slept all day long if it wasn’t for that wretched itch! He simply HAD to find the right place to scratch his itch, but every time he started scratching, he managed to upset someone! Will he eventually stop itching? And what made him itch to start off with? Super silly and fun read with lots of visual stimulation for little readers.

View a reading here!


Thank you so much to all who attended and made it fun, and to everyone who so generously helped with all the arrangements and cleaning up – you are all much valued and appreciated! Special thanks to Zahraa, our photographer for the day!
Until next time, HAPPY READING!

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