Book Club Meeting 13 October 2018

Only a handful of members, and yet a wonderfully fun Book Club meeting on a very windy day!

As usual, our wonderful host, Leigh Cox, made it a gathering where all the kids feel welcome, sharing their love for stories and books.

No more kisses for Bernard!The story Leigh read today is called No more kisses for Bernard by Niki Daly (ISBN: 9780799347449). It is a story about a little boy who just cannot handle the affections of his aunts anymore! But in the end, he still shows his love for Mom and Dad.

It is a hilariously fun story that kids (especially boys) can identify with, and it provoked quite a response from the children, who said they really loved the story!


Feeling quite proud of our growing library!


The kids also showed a lot of interest in our Fund Raising button badges, which will be used to purchase steel shelving for our Book Club books!
Button Badges


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