Book Club Bookmarks

I wanted to make some cool bookmarks for our Kids’ Book Club for this year. Last year (2017) I made bookmarks that could be handed out to the kids in the month they were celebrating their birthday. Some were plain bookmarks, some were magnetic. But they all said “Happy Birthday”, and had the date printed on them. I made too many, and there were left over at the end of the year, so they were “wasted” – not a pretty good investment.

This year I made plain straight-forward bookmarks, but in two different sizes. I also tried to get together quotes from some of the books we have in our book club, so kids might be interested in finding/associating/reading the book containing the quote. A bookmark is a simple thing, but it does excite some kids and inspire them to read and attend book club meetings, which is exactly what we want.

So here’s what I did:

I set up the “artwork” and had the pages printed out in colour (I do not own a colour printer yet…!). Then I laminated the sheets myself:


Then I cut them all out:


Then rounded the corners with a corner punch:

I thought the result was wonderful!

Oh, and I had our Book Club contact details printed on the back of each bookmark.

I hope the kids (or at least their moms/dads) will enjoy this simple gift!


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