My Teacher’s a monster! (No I’m not)

By Peter Brown

ISBN: 9781447257486

Teachers who talk loudly and stomp around in the classroom are sometimes seen as monsters, and might scare kids and make them feel intimidated and shy. This picture book is the ideal gift for kids who are starting school, to teach them that things are not always as they seem.

Robert sees his teacher, Ms. Kirby, as a monster until he learns that first impressions aren’t always right. When he meets her outside of school and gets to know her a little better, he learns there’s more to her than meets the eye.

Fittingly dedicated to “misunderstood teachers and their misunderstood students”, this story features a great lesson, told with humoristic illustrations and bubble speech. It is beautifully illustrated and brilliantly funny!

My Teacher’s a monster! was Brain Pickings top 10 book of the year 2015. You can read their article here!

You can view a reading of the book here:

Click here to download and print the MY TEACHER IS A MONSTER! activity kit (from and read more about Peter Brown here!

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