Farm Boy by Michael Morpurgo

Farm-BoyISBN: 9780007450657

“The sequal to War Horse”, Farm Boy tells a tale that includes Joey after he was purchased back from the Army and taken back to farm. Even though Joey is a side-character in this story, and the story is not as dramatic as War Horse, Farm Boy is a heart-warming story written more for children. It is beautifully illustrated by Michael Foreman, and the writing style is, as it is with Michael Morpurgo, flowing and easy to read, even though almost half the book is written by Grandpa, who knew not much about punctuation!

Joey and Zoey find themselves in a ploughing contest against a new invention – the tractor. How will this turn out? The story also contains a hidden message to never quit but to keep on keeping on.

Listen to what Michael Morpurgo says about Farm Boy:


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